St Barnabas is part of the Anglican Church in America. We are determined to preach the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to continue in the Catholic Faith, Apostolic Order, Orthodox Worship, and Evangelical Witness of the Universal Church.  We envision introducing a new generation to Christ through the beauty and mystery of the Anglican tradition and the King James Bible. Our worship is grounded in the traditional Book of Common Prayer as a faithful expression of the Anglican Faith, which is truly reformed and catholic. 

Worship Services are held in the chapel of the BUCC Parish House, at 18 Park Street on the Belchertown Common.  Our weekly service is held on Saturdays at 4:00 pm. p>We hope you will join us for worship, and that your time with us will be filled with inspiration and spiritual renewal. We hope also that you will make us a part of your spiritual journey—and that, in so doing, you will become part of ours!

If you would like to learn more or have specific questions, please contact us.

Christmas Eve Mass of Lessons & Carols
Tuesday, December 24 at 10 p.m.

18 Park Street (on the Common) Belchertown
Rev. Thomas T. Stockton ~ Rt. Rev. Brian R. Marsh

Fr. Tom Stockton and Bishop Brian Marsh, both from Belchertown, lead St. Barnabas Anglican Church.  They are committed to spreading the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and caring for souls through the ministry of the church in Belchertown.

Weekly Worship Services at St. Barnabas are held in the chapel of the BUCC Parish House, at 18 Park Street on the Belchertown Common on Saturdays at 4:00 pm. On-street and Municipal parking is available.  Never been to an Anglican Service?  No problem! Worship Materials will be provided, and Fr. Tom and Bishop Brian will happily answer any questions!

Get the results you want! Many people work hard to achieve their goals yet feel something is missing. We believe that the missing component is placing God first in our lives. It is through sharing and mutual encouragement on a regular basis that we can best “track” the progress of our spiritual journey, and stay on course.  We invite all—especially those with no regular spiritual home—to come share our joy in the Salvation our loving God has given to us!